Magic Eyes - Super Gal Rich and Thick Blowjob

Magic Eyes - Super Gal Rich and Thick Blowjob

Magic Eyes is one of Japan's top onahole producers, and has been since their inception. They've provided countless toys which set standards across the sex toy industry. Perhaps their most famous toy, "The Mouth Of Truth", is widely acclaimed as being the best BJ onahole you can get. So what do you improve on? What CAN you improve on? Well, Super Gal Rich and Thick Blowjob aims high, but does it hit it's target?

What Sets Super Gal Rich and Thick Blowjob Apart from Other Products?

Let's start with the box art. It's lewd, it's sexy, and it prepares you for what's coming next. It also reflects the toy itself, as it comes equipped with a tongue that sticks out beyond the lips. The tongue stays out as well, which is nice because other items with this feature tend to have the tongue retreat back into the mouth once it's in use. But this tongue is secured closer to the front of the mouth, keeping it in place.

It's also small, which was unexpected. For a thick bunny milf, I'd expect the toy to be bigger than it is. A little disappointed by that because the art looks more appealing than the toy. The toy isn't unappealing in any way, but with art like this on the box I expected something a little more. That being said, the lips are coloured pink, and the tongue is a rich red. That's something that could've been left out, but it's a nice attempt to accurately mimic the box art. And overall it's effective imagery. It gets you excited to open the toy and try it. 

Another feature worth commenting on, is the teeth. These can be tough to get right. Not many people enjoy a toothy blowjob, so adding in "realistic" teeth is a gamble that doesn't always pay off. "The Mouth of Truth" in my opinion, has teeth that are a tad too hard. But this one nails it. They're firm, but they give when under pressure, creating a sensation that doesn't at all feel like scraping or biting. It's a great addition and well implemented.

How does Super Gal Rich and Thick Blowjob feel?

In a word; snug.

The material is a medium firmness that sits somewhere between the original "Mouth of Truth", and the hard type variation of the same toy. The moment you enter it, there's no extra space. It hugs your member like a well fitted shirt, but because the material has some pliability in it, it never feels too tight or hard. Just...snug. It's a great feeling, and your junior feels better with it, than without it. 

Just past the teeth is the first deepthroat design. The hole here is very small, as you can tell in the pictures, but it's also malleable. It stretches enough to allow you to slide deeper, without feeling like it's trying to push you out. It's a great idea to play around in this area, where just your tip is being caressed by her throat. 

The outside is a matte, non stick finish. It's top quality from Magic Eyes, which is something you'd expect. Even at the price that it's at, you could expect something cheaper as far materials are concerned. Not here though. It feels good in your hand. It's easy to grip and maneuver

What about the insides?

This is where the item starts to shine. On top of the aforementioned deepthroat, the middle of the toy is very snug and squishy. It opens up a little bit here, allowing for even pressure along the entire shaft. It's not as intense in this area, but still feels like you're being enveloped completely.

Push past that, and you're back into heavy stimulation. The very back has another kind of deepthroat mechanic to it, but it differs than the front of the toy. This area has a large bump and a slightly wider hole to pass through, which you can definitely feel. It doesn't create suction to stimulate, but that's not needed. It hugs every inch of you, generating a lot of satisfaction.

The overall internal pattern follows something like, open mouth -> tight throat -> relaxed section -> tight throat. The pictures say you're able to control the amount of sensitivity by changing how deep you push. That's true to some degree, as every section feels stimulating. So you're really just transferring from high stimulation, to medium, back to high.  


During the testing I've done, I can see this item lasting an average amount of time. It's not overly thick, it's uniform, and pliable enough to stretch during longer sessions (if you can last that long). But because of the overall size of the toy, if you're on the larger size of guys, I could see it deteriorating faster.

The tongue doesn't seem like it will detach, or rip. The corners of the mouth seem thick enough to last, and the teeth appear to be implanted far enough into the TPE, as to not wiggle themselves out. 


With so many different textured areas, clean up requires a bit more patience than with simpler designs. Lube tends to find it's way into the deep sections of toy, and stay there. So cleaning it out means you're going to need to be extra thorough. 

That's not usually a problem, but over time, rigorous cleaning could mean an increased risk in tearing or flaking of TPE. I haven't experienced this yet, but I would expect some extra wear and tear from cleaning to show up. It's a trade off worth having for this toy in my opinion. It doesn't come with such a huge price tag, where you'd have to baby it for fear of early replacement. So I'd rather have the better feeling toy, even if it might degrade faster than simple, or straight tunnel onaholes.


Overall it's worth every penny, and it's got something for everyone. New users will likely have their mind blown at how snug it feels, and experienced users will find a lot to appreciate as well. It feels like a deepthroat does, for the most part, from a woman who knows exactly what she's doing. There isn't that "pop" through the throat that a real deepthroat has, or the sucking sounds. However that's made up for by an encircling sensation around your whole member, that doesn't let up. It's better than a lot of other BJ onaholes out there, for sure. But I can't say it's the best one, only because I would appreciate it being larger and if it had some suction mechanic added. 


  • sexy box art
  • tight
  • high stimulation
  • interesting internal design
  • simulates deepthroat effectively
  • tongue and teeth are not discomforting


  • small
  • hard to clean
  • durability risk


Price: 3/5
Value: 4/5
Durability: 3/5
Design: 4/5

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